Celebration, You In?

Happy Holidays!! We hope you are enJOYing and taking some time for YOU. On our last episode, we explored the value of celebration, learned a tool to help you access celebration and open up so much more joy & fulfillment in your life. Today, we are going to go a little deeper. I am excited to bring back a fabulous guest on the podcast who is a fellow coach and works with people moving through change also. Lauren Cobb is back and brings in her wisdom on this topic.

I can’t wait for you to tune in!

Before we dive in, YOU are invited to a special Celebrating YOU Workshop (it’s FREE) being held virtually on 1/09/24 at 6:00 p.m. PST that you don’t want to miss. Save your spot here!! 

Meet Lauren: As a coach, Lauren is passionate about accompanying people through change that is occurring either by their own design or by circumstances. She knows the feeling of being stuck, limited, and overwhelmed. At the same time she sees change as the opportunity to choose something immensely more satisfying. Walking through that transformation with her clients is what makes her days energizing. 

Highlights from this episode:

(2:20) New Year's Eve and celebrations

(7:25) Being present during the holidays

(13:00) Celebration and change management

(18:07) Accomplishments and honesty with oneself

(21:00) Self-care and celebration for mental well-being

(25:37) Learning from our mistakes

(30:57) Leadership and celebrations

Referenced on this Episode:

Episode 183: The Value of Celebration

The Paradox of Pleasure: https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/the-paradox-of-pleasure/

The Path to Enough: https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/the-path-to-enough/

Connect with Lauren:



Coming Soon!

LIFT(her) 6 Month Group Coaching Program for Women

Imagine if you had the tools you require to create the transformation you desire personally and professionally. Imagine if you woke up each day feeling energized instead of overwhelmed. Imagine if you woke up each day knowing, in your gut, that you are enough.

Get on the Waitlist and be the FIRST to hear all the good news!

'Take the Lead Workshops' will help you stay unstuck & create the results & success you want. I've learned a few things along the way & created these workshops in order to help you move past being up against it & have focused action on what's important to you.

Get on the waitlist and be the FIRST to know what's happening in 2024!

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@KellyMobeck on LinkedIn
@KellyMobeck on Instagram




The Value Of Celebration